Friday, September 21, 2007

Marcia Brady and Jan Brady were lovers?????

Ahhhh, the days of innocence, when Marcia was upset because her nose got hit with a football right before the big school dance. And poor Jan found out she need glasses! I guess there was more drama on the set than anyone imagined. Now Maureen McCormick (Marcia) is penning a book in which she reveals that she and costar Eve Plumb (Jan) had a lesbian fling. Yep, Maureen says she had a girl crush on Eve and it led to sex play. Oh, freekin' gag me. I thought Greg Bradys hair was the worst thing out of that series. There are some things I don't need to know.


Anonymous said...

You know she's really religious isn't she? I mean, if that did happen she shouldn't be talking about it. Nobody wants to think about those 2 little girls doing 'that'!! EW! All kids play 'at' that, but since when would anybody ever wanna revisit that time & expose it? It's just a stupid kid thing. Or maybe it was a much bigger deal than normal. Unless they are preparing to 'come out'??? Ya' think? Just plain weird! -Blech-

Anonymous said...

Lots of cruddy stuff going on under all that polyester!

Anonymous said...

Well Greg and Mama Brady had a fling too! Keepin it in the fam!

Anonymous said...

I always thot that Stephanie Tanner (Jodie Sweetin) was a lez, but she's on her 2nd husband & preggers, so you just never know!!! OMG! You don't suppose they were all 'doing' each other too??? -faints-

Anonymous said...

Now...forgot to say...Uncle Jessie, I could totally understnd that! Yum!

Anonymous said...

This is scandalicious!!! But still kinda a gross-out

Anonymous said...

It's cool to have girl crushes, I have them all the time !


Anonymous said...

Eliza...the real one...or w/e, you brought this on yourself! If someone is on here pretending to be you, I think they are a genious! I am not that devious!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Eliza...the real one...or w/e, you brought this on yourself! If someone is on here pretending to be you, I think they are a genious! I am not that devious!

September 21, 2007 2:06:00 PM PDT


Dirty Disher said...

Please stop impersonating other people..if you want to fight or tell someone off, fine, but stop with the impersonating. Please.

Anonymous said...

Thanks D's just them being childish. If they are picking on me then I know I've done something right. I guess I hit some kind of nerve.

:) Eliza

Anonymous said...

you have devistated me and now I need therapy - please tell me it isn't so. lol


Anonymous said...

No Eliza, you definately didnt do ANYTHING right, you think you can tell people how to post & what to think, c'mon cupcake, this is the real world, everything aint rainbows & sunshine, you brought it on yourself, you shouldve kept your comments about OTHER peoples comments to yourself, worry about Eliza not anyone else.

Anonymous said...

I like licking girls :o


Anonymous said...

Hey fuckfaces, there isnt shit wrong with girls doin girls, I'm a fuckin 300lb bulldyke and damn proud of it!

Anonymous said...

hey bulldyke, w/o opening a whole can of gay worms here, yes there is something wrong with girls doing girls and guys doing guys, it just aint right, now im not a bible thumper, but if the good Lord intended for same sexes to be together, then he would of made them to fit together that way,and we all know you dont. Hope you dont have kids, its a shame to bring them into that world, oh but then again if your gay, you cant have kids, and shouldnt be able to get them ANY OTHER WAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya know what.. i grew up watching the Brady Bunch and I dont appreciate any of you assholes ruining my childhood memories..your just jealous because back then people were normal and didnt think about same sex bullshit, and you wanna bring this decades fucked up shit into the 70's....go away..leave the brady's alone..

Anonymous said...

The "fighting" is dumb as hell. This is not a debate, this is a mutha fucking blog. Say what you gota say, if you don't agree with someone fine, who gives a shit!? But all this dumb shit about this one eats pussy and this one wishes the other one would finger their hole is immature and stupid. Period.

Anonymous said...

this one wishes the other one would finger their hole

Who the hell ever said that? Dumb cunt.

Anonymous said...

~~this is a mutha fucking blog~~

Oh yay, some niglet slang ... grow up kid.