Dole's doing another recall because E. coli has been found in salad bags in Canada. Cripes, all you have to do is open a bag of this SHIT and smell it to know you shouldn't eat it. It smells like the bottom of a garbage can in August. Who buys this contaminated crap?? Are we really that lazy?
Isn't this like the 12th time or so that something like this has happened with e. coli and bag salad/spinach????
we are too too lazy to make a salad on our own anymore?????????
People buy it to have in the fridge so when other people open it they look like they buy healthy and all that crap.
It's bitter tasting in my opinion.
I think Tia is right...maybe not the 12th time, but who knows.. It has happened before and people keep eating it. No thanks.. I'll go with local stuff and buy it at the veggie farms. I won't buy pre-packaged anything.
don't forget about chi chi's...oh wait, that was green onions...but still...this problem with produce and e. coli has been ongoing and yet nothing solid has been done about it...i stopped buying lettuce in stores long ago (and spinach and green onions)....too scary....
people die from e. coli...is this a gub'ment or terrorist plot? get people via salad greens???
our food sources are too open for sabotage...
My hubby bought it once when I said to get salad items from the store and I said throw that shit away and take your ass back and get me a damn head of lettuce LOL
I like a little defication with ma greens !!
Yeah, the migrants that work in the fields take a dump on the veggies & then go right back to work! Too lazy to walk to the Port-O-Pot! This junk is usually rotted before it's sold. I have stopped buying it, it goes bad instantly. Gets slimey & gooey. Yeah, I admit it,I am kinda lazy about making a salad & I wish this stuff was safe to eat. I chop my own now, again, just like the olden days! I do still buy the already shredded cheese & I spent lots of time grating cheese in my day! I did my time! LOL!
Yeah, the migrants that work in the fields take a dump on the veggies & then go right back to work! Too lazy to walk to the Port-O-Pot!
If somebody starts shi**ing in my grated cheese I am gonna be mad.
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