Nick Hogan and his retardedness. Now Hulk Hogan is saying his son wasn't racing and he's just a good kid who had an accident. Shut the fuck up. First of all, I don't know why this nobody kid is even headline news. He's got a D lister daddy and an F lister sister. Big friggin' deal. Second, that's a pic of the aftermath of a one car accident...and you tell me there's no speed and racing involved? What am I retarded? Now it's all boo hoo his critically injured passenger is an Iraq war vet. Do you see any mad Iraqis there holding machine guns, forcing this guy to get in the car with a douche who has more speeding tickets than ParAss Hilton has pubic crabs? No. Nick called it his pussy mobile. Fuck..that numbnut kid couldn't get pussy in a female prison with his dads credit card. Family of dumbass's is what they are.
where do these parents get this sense of entilement?
that why your kids are douches. they learn it from you.
As a former Marine, the news of Graziano being in critical condition caused me more concern than little Hogan's excuses. He should lose his license for a year (racing and operators license), do community service and pay a fine.
anon 11:37-I respect your service to our country. Thank you for the concern for your fellow serviceman. We all can appreciate that. Lesson to all-don't ride with this Hogan kid-EVER!! Let him hit the tree alone, next time & had they hit it head-on instead of from the rear, we would be talking about both of those guys funerals right now!!! Palm trees don't give a da** who you are!!
It SICKENS me that Hulk Hogan is taking the low road in this matter by DEFENDING his kid rather than having him take responsibility for his reckless actions and face whatever music lay ahead. With Nick's driving history, it could have been a life-saving strategy.
On the other hand, why am I even surprised?
Never mind...
Hogan thinks his kids do no wrong and he has some funky obsession with his daughter that I find odd.
Ok, Hulk Hogan is no way a D-List Celebrity. Everyone and their brother knows who Hulk Hogan is. Yeah it's obvious the kid was racing but he is only what 17? 18? He's still a kid, he's going to be a douch bad at that age. Show me one guy who wasn't. Kids have to learn from their mistakes just as we did.
Not all of us had a $50,000 car growing up but that's for another blog...moving on, Hogan knows the kid was up to something, he's not in denial. This man is the ONLY decent parent I have seen out of all these celebrity parents. If this were Lohans Mom she would have just laughed at it and shrugged it off denying everything, The Hiltons would have just gotten Paris a new car. At least this man is an active parent in his kids lives.
what freaking ever the "kid" is an asshole and of course his dad defends him have you seen the show? when the "kid" does something like makeout with a girl or get a girl he wanted his dad is like encouraging him, when it comes to brooke he doesnt even let her out of her room, hogan is stupid because he gives the kid too much and hes spoiled and knows daddy will always be on his side oh whatever
The kid doesn't seem to have a job or do anythingto earn all that he has. Both kids want to start doing something. Brooke wants to sing, and they buy her way into a career. I think Nick wanted to do something in boxing, and Dad got him into a good start.
Whenever they do something that most parent would discipline for, they just let it go. Like, he probably already has another car!
But, all in all, they aren't as bad as most reality families.
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