"Nick's claming that he and Brit have been 'dating' for about three weeks," a source close to the 27-year-old boy-bander tells OK!. "He says they've been chatting, texting, instant messaging and talking all the time; they're both heavy into each other." The source also reveals that Nick has even told some of his bandmates, "I really like her."
Nicks the one that was in love with ParAss Hilton until he caught her making out in his truck with his zitty brother. He's also the Nick Carter that dated Kathy Griffin..Griffin turned the attention seeking tables on him and used him for blatent media attention with genius Nick none the wiser until she showed it on her reality show. It was hilarious. You can check that out HERE if you want.
So anyhow...Nick and Britney sittin' in a tree, he's got herp, she smells like peeeeeee!
I dont believe it honestly but if it was true, it'd be a match made in heaven.
He dated Kathy Griffin? I didnt realize he was into trannies with really bad plastic surgery. We learn something new everyday I guess lol ;-)
Why don't we see pics of them together? She's always out clubbing, being a non-mom with girls. No Nick in site! And you know she loves to flaunt the dick she's doing!
This story is soo bizarre that it might be true! But he is such a media whore, who knows? Kathy Griffin? When did that happen? I never saw anything about that. Isn't she older than his mom? Thats gross. He's gross & his pimply crack-face bro Aaron is grosser!!! Somebody plz verify this, I don't know if I believe anything he says at all, ever!
She can't ever get JT back, she messed that up & now she is settling for Brand-X boybander Nic? He's just using this attn she's getting to sell the BSB 's new album. They are not dating, she wouldn't, he wouldn't be able to NOT be seen out t'ghtr! They would want the attn too much if it were true.
She can't ever get JT back, she messed that up
hes a cocky little pube headed fuck now anyways
I don't think he ever actually dated Kathy Griffin, he just went out w/her for one date on her reality show.
Regardless, him and Poon are made for each other.
yeah, maybe thats true about JT but you know she'd like him back...& he had nothing but nice things to say about her on Oprah..well, of course whats he gonna do talk sh** about her? But I don't think he hates her or anything. & she cheated on him back in the day with that choreographer guy. I know, I know..."Cry me a river"...sooo true! & JT is a dick nowdays.
He's missguided with a number of things but he at least has tried to become a real live grown up learning from his mistakes.
Who knows he might prove good for Brit IF it's true.
As annoying as I think Kathy Griffin is, I can't believe she stooped to dating a little kid. Was it *strictly* a PR move?
Nick Carter "dating" Kathy Griffin was totally a PR move and her show had every minute of it on film. I don't think he even knew they were dating. He knew they went out once. She was positioning herself for the cameras to make it look like they were a couple. But, there was nothing ongoing.
And what is so wrong with Kathy? I happen to resemble her quite a bit and I think we're both rather beautiful !
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