Monday, September 10, 2007

ParAss Hilton "accidentally" lets Agulerias cat out of the bag

The setup... 2 a.m. Sunday at an Aguilera-hosted party at LAX Nightclub in the Luxor. The faux paux or brain fart (which ever you prefer) ...Paris Hilton announces on the mic : "Congratulations to the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world. You're gorgeous!"

Yeah..Christina has NEVER announced her pregnancy. Wonk Eye stole her thunder like a hound dog left alone at a BBQ. According to onlookers, X-Tina looked shocked and her friends were stunned. Then she recovered and laughed.

ParAss Hilton was not injured in the "accident" but, I'd wouldn't be walking the ferrets in a dark alley for awhile, if I was her. And, ummm, is Nicole pissed that she thinks Christina is the most gorgeous pregger in the world?? That ParAss is a slippery wench.


Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT!!!! Excellent point!!! She was TOTALLY DISSING Nicole with that comment!!! WHAT A CUNT.

Anonymous said...

What a fuckin ignorant wench !

Anonymous said...

I wander why Paris would say that? Thought her and Nicole were buds again. That was a pretty low blow. Christina does look pretty pregnant, I hope the baby looks like her and not her fugly as hell hubby.

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful pregnant woman.. ?! Ew.

I guess the wonk did overtime. She only has one droopy eye, right or were they both down.

Anonymous said...

Paris has made no secret of her envy/jealousy for Nicole having a baby. So, why shouldn't she dis her? & you know X-Tina ain't her BFF or anything, I don't get Paris at all. Can't she just be happy for both & keep her trap shut? Play nice Paris!! Neither of them will be calling her to babysit or anything BTW!

Anonymous said...

Paris is a wonky eyed famous for absolutely nuthin cunt.

Anonymous said...

all these celebrity c*nt holes need to stop making kids........effin sickning.