Thursday, September 20, 2007

Paris Hilton..still not very bright

ParAss is thinking with her..errr, heart and wants to give her clothes and shoes to charity.

Hilton: "I have like a million clothes and more than 500 pairs of shoes, so I'm going to give a bunch of them to orphanages and childrens hospitals. I never wear the same thing twice."

Hmm..nothing cheers up a sick child like a size 13 pair of Christian Louboutins. Think eBay, kids. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

She just wore those awful shoes a few days ago, we know! They are so ugly, a fellow prison inmate could use them, the stripes might kinda-sorta match. They don't matchy-match the ugly dress here at all! Someone on here called her shoes "canoes" the other day, LMAO at that! Good one!! I HATE these shoes tho, the worst! & these are the ones she repeats???!! YuckY!

Anonymous said...

Gawd the zig-zaggy-slanted stripe awfulness is giving me a dizzy-spell!!! This is horrid.

Anonymous said...

What a snotty bitch, never wears the same thing twice, just her underwear right? Probably a few days in a row too ..

Anonymous said...

I'd take her used clothing any day, esp. her panties, unwashed of course, so can I sniff them until my hearts content !!
