Anna Nicoles crazy ass mother left some plastic flowers stuck in the grave. Howard K. left real ones from him and Birkhead. Howard said he went at night so no one would get pics. Bla. Vergie went in the daytime and cried on the graves and held her arms out to heaven and made sure the photogs got it fimed. Vergie refused to go to Dannielynns birthday party and is still fighting Larry in court for custody of HIS kid. Old bag needs to go home 'cause that money fight's SO over. All these whores are making me sick. Did anyone care about Anna Nicole? I didn't. Isn't that mean? I don't care, it's true. She was a funny bumbling druggie to make fun of, a femalion bufoon of gigantic moronic proportions. Then she was all drugged up pregnant and didn't care. I don't care either..she sucked. Now she' s dead. Eat me.
Happy Birthday Dannielynn, you are the only good thing out of this whole mess and none of it's your fault. I heard you had a helluba blow out for your big day. Awww.
Larry is wearing more make-up than Anna Nicole in this pic! Gorgeous baby! The granny needs to go back home to her trailer park & sit on her case of beer on her front porch next to her old raggedy sofa. Plastic flowers? Dollar General thanks you Virgie!!
Anyone that ever watched her show had to see her demise coming. I was embarrassed for her when she would hump the bed & behave like an insane person. & that butch gal that was her assitant? I always thot they had something going on. Did anybody else get that??? She was totally enamored of Anna. & Anna was just 'hammered'!!!
Larry is SO faggy, I will not be the least bit shocked when he gets Dannielynn a stepdaddy
LB looks like a dyey woman .. no offense Barbi ;-)
** dykey
Larry must spend lots of $$$$$ on his hair & mkup , I bet Howard likes Larry to always be the blonde , pretty one ;)
I bet Howard likes Larry to always be the blonde , pretty one ;)
September 12, 2007 7:52:00 PM
He's definately the GIRL in this relationship, thats for sure LOL
Dykes aren't as pretty as Larry! Dykes are 'butch' & he's def. fem.
Maybe it's for the best DL lost her mom... Who does drugs when preggers and put her baby on a dieet?
The baby is beautiful :)
I'm a dyke but I'm a feminine looking one.
makes you absolutely sick to see what these kids are GOING to grow up to be: a sad pathetic image of their fast & hard trip to hell lifestyles.
God save those children as the products of their environment.
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