Saturday, September 22, 2007

Preggy bathing beauty

Nicole Richie shows off her new curves at the beach, and why shouldn't she? It's cute. Did you ever think you'd see this?? I didn't. There's no story, just the preggers pic. I'm getting ready to go to work and I noticed my nails are all chipped. Not wanting to pull a Britney, I'm giving myself a bloggers manicure. That's where you polish one hand and teyp with the other, then switch. I don't think the blog looks much diifferent. Anyway, Nicole is cute.


Anonymous said...

You can see where she's carrying up under her gallbladder :)

Anonymous said...

When is she due, anyone know?

Anonymous said...

She looks so much healthier. It's good to see it.


Anonymous said...

shes seems to have changed for the better, i just hope she doesnt revert back to her old ways after the baby comes...

Anonymous said...

This 'relationship' is not ever gonna survive. She will be a single mother soon after the birth of this child.