Poor ol' Snatcher..she's alone again. (Que sobbing) Just after she confessed to being madly in love with Stephen Kaye, he said buh bye. As for Stephen, I don't think he ever admitted dating her bony ass, but, he does cop to previously humping Eva Longwhoria. I don't know what's next for Snatcher, she's already been dumped by every seriously fug guy in Hollywood and half the in the closet gays. She should call Madonna and find out where to buy that purple penetrator.
Cute dress! That guy? EW! She can do better, he's ugly. She should just date a sorta regular guy like Julia Roberts did. She's happy! With lots of babies!
Couldn't she have picked a better expression for the plastic surgeon to permanently freeze her face into?
I get the feeling she's one of those clingly emotional needy women she scares off the guys and nots not to mention her face which is frozen.
there is something about her that is not attractive and i can't put my finger on it. i guess all the guys she dates figured it out, huh?
She's fug & he is too
OMG she is so fucking ugly, I HATE her, shes overrated, skinny as shit and has a horse face, although MY horses are beautiful, shes a skank she looks like a fucking witch..
She DOES have a witchy look, like Sarah Jessica .. half these bitches that everyone thinks are so hot are so fucking not ! People always thought Julia Roberts was Gods gift and she's about as fug as they come as are her kids
Why does she have those crazy ass lookin eyebrows? She actually paid for thoae bad boys?
que is spanish for what
you mean CUE
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