Jessica! You look so bright! I'll bet you're thinking about your new theories for nuclear reactors and time travel machines and chewing double bubble and walking at the same time. You're deep, you are.
Is Gweneth Paltrow really getting a divorce?? That's the rumor. OMG, that's what happens when women star in movies with Brad Pitt. Now Angelina will shrink down to 30 pounds and get permanent frown lines worrying about how hunchback bunhead is gonna refuck her man.
Tyraliens are coming! Oh Tyra, gurl fren, you look so shtrong, so fierce! I be tellin' ya momma whut a shtrong fierceness yall got goin' on. Oh, honey chile, you done got me influenced to da point I kin tawk Aunt Jemima, jez like yew! This post brought to you by Tyra Is A Fake Sell Out Inc. Also
Gawd Jessica is seriously ugly, I dont get why men drool over her ?!
Its the package that makes Jessica an appealing way to spend some in-and-out time. Nothing deep as it has been made so obvious that conversation is wasted on her.
Gwyneth is the one that looks british now that she's so plain. All that Bush hating got to her.
Tyra is just plain fake. trying hard to be the next Oprah by talking about current women issues like weight, and weight gain, and how much she weighs. She sounds like a black Keira Knightley.
geez looks like Dishy's pannies are inside out. But I agree with everything you said!
I still do not get how or why the Simpson skanks are famous ????
I like Gwyneth but Tyra is a little too .... ghetto fabulous !
I just seen a clip of Tyra freaking out because animals were brought to the stage. Hillary Duff was a guest on her show - why animals were there I dunno but Tyra just flipped out and knocked over the chair she was screaming in. What a weird-o.
Ugh, these bitches should totally just kill themselves. Why are these women famous, giving what few smart women there are a bad name? ;-)
This douche I know said this to me: "Every guy has a Jessica/Ashley fantasy. Mine just happens to be smashing their faces in." Yeah, right. Given the chicks he bones, he'd be all over those dumb skanks.
I heard that Jessica eats her boogers, she has since she was little.
Jessica is NOT ugly...& I agree, her body has alot to do with her appeal,but the booger story -gag-...Gwyneth is getting a divorce??? I haven't heard that yet...whats the deal? Why? Chris seems so cool for her & she gets to pretend she's British, just like Madonna does! Tyra rant was hilarious! Love the ghe-to jive gurrll! 'dat was coo'...
But seriously...wouldn't it be great if Gwyneth did steal Brad back? I mean c'mon...who wouldn't get a bit of joy from that one? Even Jen would call her & congratulate her! & Ang is left standing there with all those kids & no Brad! She would totally get ZERO sympathy either. I think I will throw a Brad+Gwyneth party when it happens...o goody! I can't wait.
Angie has no class, thats Gwyneth's appeal,she's classy. He may have fallen under her spell once again. Weren't they engaged at one time? You know they will stay under the radar tho, forever! Where's there's smoke, there's fire ya know? Keep watching for us DD!
Tyra reminds me of Derek Zoolander.
Tyra was mixing a cake up & the bowl somehow ended up on her head while she was licking it clean! She looks stunned that it happened, 'cuz that never happened before.
Hey I eat my boogers too they're so yummmmyyyyy
gwenni is fug, as is jess .. tyra is ok but fake as hell
I wanna have sex with all three of them :-)~
Good rendition of how african booty scratchers speak !!
Jess is fug, that nose and buckteeth - ugh - just fug
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