scrap-scrap,snip-snip, glue-glue, staple-staple = designer dress that costs thousands! Good idea! Go look at the LV scrapped/patchwork bag that costs $52,000 & there are only 5 in the US & Bouncy has 1 of them. The ugliest purse $52,000 can buy is the name of the article! The guy who designed it knows it's ugly too & is appalled at the price!
That is one hideous fucking dress but if I had to chose, I'd say Cameron looks a little better, at least she isnt wearing jeans under it, those jeans make it more ridiculous than it already is !
Lily Allen is an idiot. 'nuff said.
On what planet is this atrractive?
It suits the jeans better but makes her look dumpy.
Wonder how much it cost?
Imagine even paying for that. Ugly color, shapeless,.. that's all sorts of wrong.
a gray tank top with a parachute & table cloth sewn t'ghtr & safety pinned to hold it up...nice. Suits them both tho, it's ugly.
scrap-scrap,snip-snip, glue-glue, staple-staple = designer dress that costs thousands! Good idea! Go look at the LV scrapped/patchwork bag that costs $52,000 & there are only 5 in the US & Bouncy has 1 of them. The ugliest purse $52,000 can buy is the name of the article! The guy who designed it knows it's ugly too & is appalled at the price!
that is so ugly and wrong.
That is one hideous fucking dress but if I had to chose, I'd say Cameron looks a little better, at least she isnt wearing jeans under it, those jeans make it more ridiculous than it already is !
Put a fuckin bra on Lily, your titties are hanging down to your waist !
Uh no way.. Kirtsen COMPLETELY pulled it off WAY better. Not to say it ain't a fug dress though, HA!
Ummm who the hell is Kirsten? Its Cameron and Lily LOL
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