Vanessa has sent naughty pics over the net before the nudie scandal. I admit, it's not much of a scandal these days except for the fact that Vanessa was only 15 when she started her nudie side career. Yeah..15. She sent the original naked photos to Drake Bell, some pasty faced male poon from a Nickelodeon show. This stupid girl, at the very least, hasn't been taught computer safety from her dimwitted blind eyed parents.
Oh, and to the fuckwad who keeps saying I'm a liar (and an ugly man)...Disney is kicking her ass to the curb. Oh, they aren't out and out saying's all, they're "revamping" High School Musicals and a bunch of other HollyWeird double talk..but, the truth is..she's done because she's a little skank. I don't even feel sorry for her. On what planet is it cool to be 15 and sending naked photos to boys you don't even know? Bitch is old enough now to make a legit porn film..I suggest she do so. Call Kim Kardashian or ParAss and ask for posing and fibbing advice, Vanessa.
If you did a side-by-side with Hayden (Panetieri?), she was doing the same oral fixation, licking tities, etc pose for her friends.
Panty is teenage skank too.
Disney needs to kick her ass to the curb. The pictures are so inappropriate for a family corporation to condone. And more photos will be released, and everyone will see what a skank this girl is. Its too funny that she said in an interview like 2 weeks ago how she is so thrilled with her Role Model status, and how she wants to set a great example for her young fans. Yeah. Great example, Vanessa.
The girl wants a career in Porn.
Disney sure makes them out that way
She wants to do porn obviously, thats definately the route she should go .. that or give 'ol Hef a call but he'd make her dye her hair platinum
When I was a teenage whore, my mother asked me, she said "baby what more? Why are you a teenage whore?"
Rupaul? Rupaul is that you? Oh sorry your the "dirty disher" here! LOL
Who the fuck is Rupaul?
Anyway, I think the whole thing is quite funny. 8-year-olds won't lurve her now, unless they too are mini-skanks. She should form a teenage whore club wityh Hayden Pantyliner.
Who the hell are you calling Rupaul? That was so dumb, aint nobody like fucking Rupaul on here, except for maybe YOU
(Anon 9-9, 7:52)
Shrugs. I like Rupaul.
I dont have a problem w/ rupaul I just dont understand wtf he/she has to do with this post?
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