Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Aaron Carter and Brooke Hogan...

are getting REALLY close. Well, that's good news. Aaron has been missing a father figure. He needs a big strong man to straighten his wimpy life out. And no, I'm not talking about Hulk. Carry on, kids.


Jess said...

Is this weird to anyone but me? Doesn't her brother look just like Aaron?

Anonymous said...

Lookin like a younger Beckam on there.

Anonymous said...

LOL Jess! That's who I thought it was!!

Anonymous said...

Naw, Aaron has acne out the ass, probably from his crack pipe & a thin face & Nick Hogan has a fat face & puffy cheeks & some acne. No resemblance to me at all. But thats just me. Hilary & LL's leftovers!! Right? Brooke likes jocks, why is she messing around with this skinny has-been druggy bitch?

Anonymous said...

Beck's??? I am gonna faint now. Not even close, not even!!!WHO THINKS THAT??? OMG!!! HE WISHES!!!! Beck's is to die for, not this punk. Or did you mean Brooke?

Anonymous said...

He really does look like David Beckham on here, I guess it's photoshopped out the ass because this kid is a pizza face and he looks decent on there.

Anonymous said...

Ummm I swear that's Ashley Simpson back in the day (via year and a half ago)

Anonymous said...

If thats shopped, then why did they do that to Brookes nose? That looks strange. She's not ugly, she's just an Amazon. Bigger proportioned makes her seem less feminine to alot of ppl. She needs a big guy, like an NFL player, not this idiot!

Dirty Disher said...

THEY took that photo themselves and he put it on his My Space.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely with the kid looking like Beckham - interesting others saw the same thing. Probably because... it's TRUE! :P

i-wtd-u-2-fight-4-me said...

im confused isnt Aaron dating Kaci Brown