Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Abuse at Oprahs African school

For once I feel sorry for Oprah. She took these girls from their parents and put them in her fancy pants school with the promise of a good education and the hope of a better life. Instead some of them were physically abused and one was sexually abused. The perp is a dorm matron. How in the hell did this woman ever get a job at Oprahs school?? It makes me sick to think there are women who do these things to kids. But, at least we won't be reading about how the sick broad got probation, because she crossed the most powerful woman in the world, a woman who was sexually abused herself as a child. Oprah has hired a team of investigators and is going to see some ass kicked here. The CEO, John Samuel is in deep shit too, as he looked the other way. Boy, you in a heap o trouble.


Anonymous said...

Very sad to hear of abuse on children. Their innocence is shattered by a selfish deviant. What's the difference between that and NAMBLA?.

Miss Tia said...

that dorm matron and other guy are basically!!!

oh it'll be an "accident" or some disease...but they will die...or disappear...

Anonymous said...

I heard about this shit. It is disgusting. Oprah is going to cause hell for everyone involed. Fuck, I'm scared!

Anonymous said...

This happened in Africa! Not America. Can Super-Angie save them? NO! Not even if Oprah, who I believe has a good & sincere heart cannot. Sad but typical boarding school story. Africa, America, doesn't matter. Happens everywhere. Everyday. I hate the bastards.

Anonymous said...

Many African teachers apparently regard sex with the students as a perk they are entitled to. It will be interesting and (I hope) satisfying to see what one of the richest women in the world, who can administer a righteous whup ass, will be able to ahieve in the face of this endemic problem.


Anonymous said...

Oprah will team up with Adoptalina and they will hold the ocean back with a rake ~

pssssst just remember It's America's fault !

Anonymous said...

omfg I am sorry but Oprah should have done her research AND some screening before this shit ever went down.

Anonymous said...

pssssst just remember It's America's fault !

Exactly! Good one. There's nothing else to say.

Anonymous said...

Remember where/how AIDS got it's start & it wasn't in America. Thanks Africa!!! Your gift is sooo not appreciated. Sex is a mindless act over there, animals.

Nancy said...

Ms. O is going to open a big-O-can of whoop-ass.

Anonymous said...

Can we just please send mindless celebrities like Oprah , Madonna & Skankalina Jolie over there ... For Good !

It's obvious Africa is their first love & the celebrities are determined to fix it ! I'm sick of my tax dollars being used , these countries have extremely corrupt govts. and ppl . Hollyweird will fit right in .

You tape your show over there OPRAH !!

Anonymous said...

You don't hear about female child molestors very often, they're are some sick fucks in thiw world I tell ya!