Monday, October 22, 2007

Are these two wankers dating?

Criss Angel and Tommy Lee have been showing up everywhere together since the VMA's. They hug and kiss and even dress alike. I don't know. But, when George Clooney and Brad Pitt hang out like this, no one thinks they're dating..that's because those two don't feel the need to french kiss every five minutes. So, is this love or just publicity?? Either way, these two douches are too old to be dressing like this.


Anonymous said...

You'd think with all their money they could afford to wash an outfit every so often or even buy the whole thing.


Major Majormajor said...

Yep...they're definitely dating.

Anonymous said...

Roc stars & magicians that are also rock stars (Cris Angel) can dress however they want & nobody is gonna say anything about it when they meet them. Keith Richards still dresses like this & he's awesome even tho he's close to 70! We cannot all go around dressing like 'suits' somebody has to have fun!!! So what? Rock stars do WTF they want & you know it!

Dirty Disher said...

Oh please. Kieth Richards can do whatever he wants because he's Kieth Richards. Tommy Lee can hum a few bars of Smokin' In The Boys Room (he has to hum because he's senile and doesn't know the lyrics) and Criss Angel can make Tommys dick his butt.

Anonymous said...

I miss the 90's when everyone was grunge and amorphously bisexual or at least not as gender-specific. Please.
Who cares if they're into each other, they're guys and probably not formally dating.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if they are dating either cant be a bad a realtionship as some of their other choices lol.

But come on! They look terrible, no excuses of rock star crap, take a damn bath for Gods sake and put on some clean cloths. Thats got nothing to do with "having fun"...its looking skanky & dirty!

Anonymous said...

I ain't saying he's gay...but he looks like he'd hold a dick in his mouth til it went soft.

Anonymous said...

those 'rags' they are wearing probably cost more than everything in ur's & my closets combined! LOL! And DD:
Criss Angel can make Tommys dick his butt.
U kill me with this shit! Too funny & it was me u wrote to! I love it. Thats what I am talking about. U r too funny! & yeah, he could make it disappear! At least we agree on one thing, Keith Richards can do whatever the he** he wants!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think either of them would have a problem 'doing' it' with the other.

Jess said...

I cannot WAIT to see their sex tape!

Anonymous said...

jessica P. Wallin, you look like a soccer mom or a business woman, don't talk like that!!! Post a pic of Brit if you are gonna do that!

Anonymous said...

Tommy Lee might be dirty but at least he changes clothes once in awhile. I swear, Cris Angel's been wearing that same getup-- (exact same jeans, tee, hat, even the damn necklace) since before he was dating Britters... and that's how long now?

Hey, Cris! It's gettin' old. Open that wallet for something other than 'magic dust' and BUY SOME NEW GEAR!

with love said...

jessica P. Wallin can say whatever the heck she wants to say! Women can be professionals, mothers, wifes, daughters AND STILL have minds as dirty as males. It doesnt mean we do our jobs any better or worse, so quit categorizing women into whatever "slot" you think we belong in. AND if you are a woman, I hope you're ANCIENT to be thinking like that!

Jess said...

Well, I'm neither a mom nor a businesswoman, but that's pretty flattering to be made fun of like that, I must admit! What can I say...I try to have some outward integrity and class, but I definitely have a dirty mouth and a dirty mind. Not to mention I'm a smartass.

Besides, even businesswomen have naughty streaks:

Recognize the chick in the tiny pic? Whoa. I just lost some major respect, huh? :-p

Jess said...

At least I kept my panties on!

with love said...

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT by the way! You look cute! People are SOOOOOOoooooo retarted...and yes I know it has a "d" instead of a "t"...but I like it that way :D

Anonymous said...

Hey! With you not get my humor? Sarcasm? or w/e else the hell I said? It was joke!! I am a professional woman myself & I certainly don't behave or talk like an angel either! It was joke! I think Jessica got it. OK With Love. Can we be friends??? C'mon... where is the love??

with love said...

YES that one flew right past me! I am shamed :( I better go take a hot bath, warm up the blood flow to my brain 'cause obviously Im the retarted one today :D

Anonymous said...

Ur not retar't'ed. U r my friend!!

Jess said...

*Group E-Hug*

Aww, all this whooey, and on my birthday, too! What were we talking about again?

Anonymous said...

Dirty std peepee #1 and #2

Anonymous said...

with love said...
YES that one flew right past me! I am shamed :( I better go take a hot bath, warm up the blood flow to my brain 'cause obviously Im the retarted one today :D

TODAY ?? Shit, your a retarTed bitch every day of the damn week.

Anonymous said...

Jessica P. Wallin said...
At least I kept my panties on!

October 22, 2007 12:05:00 PM PDT

Thank heaven for that, noone wants to see that nasty landfill