Friday, October 19, 2007

Ballbuster Jessica Seinfeld accused of plagerisim

Jessica Seinfeld just kissed Oprahs ass with 18 thousand dollars worth of Christian Louboutin was a thanks for promoting her cookbook, Deceptively Delicious. Now it turns out foodies have outted her for stealing the recipes form The Sneaky Chef book. I KNEW I'd hear that stuff before. For someone who has the IQ of a ferret licking a plate of crank, I have an amazing recall of worthless bullshit, err, trivia.
Jessica fascinates me because she was a nobody who snagged kerbillionaire Jerry and has managed to birth three of his spawn and keep him with her. The story I heard was that she was walking through an airport with her groom to go on their honeymoon when Jerry spotted her and had to have her. This was about two seconds after he broke up with that Shoshanna chick, who's teenage ass he'd been kissing for years. Happily ever after.
Jessica is one strange cold her cook with Regis HERE.


Anonymous said...

smug bitch

Anonymous said...

It's actually "plagiarism" not "plagerism".

Barb said...

Damn! I learn something every day!!You aren't alone dish. I thought it was plagerism all of my Longggg life. But, Webster tells me I am wrong, and anony is right!!

That is th3 second spelling thing I learned off the net. I used to think that "alot" was one word, until someone corrected me that it was 2 words "a lot".

Still doesn't change the fact that Jessica Seinfeld is a cold bitch.

And, LMAO at "IQ of a ferret licking a plate of crank". I LOVE it!!!

Anonymous said...

The story I heard was that she was walking through an airport with her groom to go on their honeymoon when Jerry spotted her and had to have her.
I heard she met Jerry at a Manhattan gym shortly after her honeymoon -- and then split within a few months. The Niederlanders (1st hubby's family, wealthy theater owners) were beyond furious with her behavior.

Anonymous said...

I'd do Jerry though, always wanted a jewish boy !