Friday, October 19, 2007

Brad Pitt..probably a pussy

Brad Pitt went to the University of Missouri and spent his time doing things like tanning a sororites initials on his butt and mooning people at games. Everyone thought it was hysterical. Ummm yeah right. I went to Northwest Mo. and I can tell you there was no one there who looked like Brad. Well, there was that one guy, but, while the rest of us were getting second degree burns pouring molten metal in the foundry and sweating our ass's off mixing barrels of clay, this guy spent 4 years in the pitt making porcelain dollies with his toy poodle. Maybe it WAS Brad. Show us your funny funny butt, Brad. Gawd.


Anonymous said...

such a faggot pose. I dunno about him sometimes. Pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a dykie woman on here!

Barb said...

This picture sure makes the gaydar go off, but I reallly don't have any thoughts like that about him now.

He seems all man now. He just needs to find his balls and show them to Angie, and get their lives a bit more in order.

Anonymous said...

photo shopped