Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Britney and Kevin had their first parenting class

K-Fed and Poontang had the first class that was supposed to teach them how to be good divorced parents. I guess Kevin had no problem with it, but, Poon spent most of the time in the bathroom sobbing. Well, no wonder. She's only listened to people once in her friggin' life, and that was when they all told her to dump Kevin. So she did it and marched her ass onto Letterman with her cute bob and tummy tuck like her poo didn't stink and a week later you could smell it from here. Then she promptly turned into a head shaving, umbrella wielding, lolly pop sucking fucktard who dresses in the dark and can't find her fat ass with both hands and a map. She wants him back, and that ship has so sailed. I doubt she'll ever get those kids back either. At this point she probably thought it was an AA meeting and couldn't find the cookies. Or Lindsay Lohan.


Anonymous said...

All of this is irrelevant to me because Britney put that horrible hat back on in public


Anonymous said...

Lets hope she doesnt get those boys back, she is worthless. Stay out of the public eye fucktard. I have never been a fan, but I just about hate this idoit.

Anonymous said...

I guess all her money is spent (Kev had a good hand in helping with that) because she wears some hideous shit, looks like she surfed the thrift store racks for this lovely ensemble @@

Anonymous said...

How has someone like Kevin come out on top he's a faker & a loser. Britney as screwed up as she is at least has a place to go --- up, if she chooses to.

She looks dazed in that picture.

Anonymous said...

I'd cry too if my ex saw me looking like that! You are supposed to look extra good when you see ur ex, & make them have regrets. She is going at it back asswards if she ever wanted him back. He's moved on, he's got her kids & her cash, who can blame him. All the perks w/o being married to her anymore! It's her fault anyway. She begged him to marry her!!