Thursday, October 18, 2007

Britney is, like, really smart, y'all

First she gets the paps to fetch her fast food and her Fanta and pump her gas. Then she wants to know if any of them want to drive an hour back to Malibu for her to bring her dog, London (because she forgot the dog and an hour later realized she wasn't in the car). I pretty sure London can live without one more day at the gas station and McDonalds. Then she spouts off about her judge..
"I hate my judge," Spears declared. "He is so mean. Just an old fart. He told me I was being catty with him, but he was being catty with me and paid me no respect at all."
I'm assuming she'll get the same judge in her continuing custody battle, and I'm assuming he reads the blogs. Bitch has the brains of a chicken nugget. And why is she always walking around like a crippled crab?
Update: Britney Spears has had her visitation rights with her kids suspended until she complies with all court orders. Duur.


Anonymous said...

Probably all the crippled crabs on her crotch got together and attacked, making her walk like a crippled crab.

Unknown said...

Crippled crab holy shit that's funny

Anonymous said...

Why does she think the judge should kiss her ass....ya dumb bitch Britney, you better smooch his!

Anonymous said...

poor kid. It's no surprise she's where she is: She bought into her fame and "VIP" status that has been shoved down all our throats when in reality she's probably of borderline intellect (see judge comment and, oh, pretty much anything that's ever come out of her mouth) and really doesn't have that much talent. Her publicity machine had all the talent and now it's gone, apparently. If she had a thinkin' brain, she'd stop going out in public all the damn time, stay home, and maybe, oh, I don't know, learn to fucking cook for herself. Or maybe someone could cook for her? She eats more fast food than anyone I know.

Anonymous said...

"The judge paid me no respect at all." Talk about a seeing into the soul moment.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fast Food = Fat body = Britney! Lay off the fast food Brit-Idiot!

Miss Tia said...

maybe she's eating all that fast food as research for a role in super size me 2??