Thursday, October 18, 2007

Britney should try a couple of these every morning

*ST. LOUIS, Missouri (Oct. 15) - The people who brought you the Monster Thickburger and the 1,100-calorie salad are at it again -- this time for breakfast. Hardee's / AP Hardee's new Country Breakfast Burrito contains 920 calories and 60 grams of fat. Jayne Hurley, senior nutritionist at The Center for Science in the Public Interest, has called it the "country breakfast bomb." *


Good grief, this thing has.. two egg omelets filled with bacon, sausage, diced ham, cheddar cheese, hash browns and sausage gravy, all wrapped inside a flour tortilla. Hardee's makes no apology, saying they just want a meal that fills people up. I'm all for filling people up, but, shouldn't they be responsible enough to put the caloric and fat info on the menu?? I don't have to worry about it, because there's no way I could finish that anymore, plus I don't care for all my food wadded together like some leftover eating dogs dish, but, there are fools out there who are going to eat this every day and never know what it is. Hardees needs a good ass kicking and a shot of honesty in thier menu. Who the hell eats a 1,100 calorie salad??? Some poor sap thinks they're doing thier bod a favor by having a salad and never know it's a fat bomb. Am I crazy, or are they?


Anonymous said...

If people can't look at this monstrosity and figure out it's a heart attack waiting to fuck your world up...then let em eat it up. I agree with you DD, I don't like my food all smushed together like that. Yuck-o!

Major Majormajor said...

That's why I cook at home as often as I possibly can. They don't even mention all the nitrates and nasty preservatives that "thing" has.
Brit-Twit could wash those down with a couple of 800 calorie Frapps. I feel nauseous...

Anonymous said...

That's disgusting! Look at that thing. It's OOZING.

Anonymous said...

Look at the stuff in there! I don't think the people who eat these are at all interested in reading the caloric intake off a menu. They should have named it the 'Hangover Burrito'.

J said...

I agree with 8:38, you don't need to see a list of grams and % to know that ain't good for ya. And the people that eat this crap and think nothing of it aren't going to stop stuffing their faces to read the info even if it was there.

Fast food places are there to make money by giving people what they want whether it's good for them or not. Peoples' health is there own responsibility.

Unknown said...

yuck! that thing looks gross!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's MAN FOOD! Women don't eat that kind of shit. Like those KFC chicken bowls, disgusting. Men are pigs & eat like them.

Dirty Disher said...

I was going to mention the KFC famous bowls too. It always looks like a hog slop bowl. Yuk.

Anonymous said...

mmmm Egggs, Ham, sausage, mmmmm, bacon and hashbrowns mmmmm Plus cheese. Then throw in gravy. mmmmm The tortilla is dessart. Who wouldnt want this yummy taste sensation!

Homer Simpson

Eva said...

What is the morbid obese rate in America already?
That's some grade A supersize me shit. Gross
Here they're gonna get more taxes on unhealthy snacks, so that te community doesn't have to pay for their health care.
Talk about digging your grave with knife and fork