Sunday, October 14, 2007

Can you help catch a criminal?

This poor kitty, Daisy Mae, was shot as she slept. For fun? She's being treated now, but, had a 22 bullet lodged in her abdomen and it went through her shoulder and lung. Her jaw is broken and she can't eat. I can really relate to the pain this poor baby is in right now. If this crap makes you as hoppin' mad as it makes it all HERE. If you live in the Seattle area and have any information on the gutless swine who did the shelter at 206-386-7387..there is a reward.


Katiesh said...

How fucking sick. >:O
I wish I was in Seattle. Here in San Antonio, TX there is something going on with our cats. Two indoor/outdoor cats, such as mine, were cut in half and gutted! >:O

Miss Tia said...

people who abuse animals not only have a special place in hell waiting for them, they need to be drawn and quartered like they did to people in medievil times....drawn, quartered, burned....

motherfuckers....if i ever saw anyone abuse an animal i'd tear them to pieces with my bare hands....

Anonymous said...

What horrible, sick and disgusting person would do that? Poor little kittykat. I hope she gets better.

Anonymous said...

What kind of asshole would do this? I hope someone turns them in for the reward...or just shoots him/her themselves and save us all the trouble!

Unknown said...

Thank you Dishy for spreading this. Hopefully someone will rat him out for the money. It's unacceptable and I can only imagine what he would do to another human being. Sick fucker.

Dirty Disher said...

Every serial killer in history started with small animals. These people need to be caught.

Anonymous said...

I volunteer with a few Animal Rescue groups and SADLY ! Cats are the biggest victims of animal cruelty :( I do understand it ? nor do I want to ! If you do not like kitties ( WHAT EVER ! ) But just please do NOT be cruel to them ! it's EVIL , COWARDLY & it hurts your Karma ~

Anonymous said...

P.S !

Dirty Disher you are soooo good to expose the piece of shit who did this cowardly act to an INNOCENT KITTY !

Thank-You ! and ... I looove your blog too :) your karma looks good my friend ;)

Anonymous said...

What kind of sick fucker does this to an animal? I can't stomach animal abuse, I'd like to personally torture each and every sonofabitch that does this shit. I hope they all rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

We need tougher laws for animal abuse. This is getting horrendous and isn't going to stop until laws are hardened.

Anonymous said...

8:23 :) I'm with ya babe !

Please contact the BIG Humane groups like the ASPCA & Humane Society ! They have the Money $$$ and the Power to expose this piece of shit who would do this to a sleeping cat . The problem with the big country club groups like PETA is that they go after celebrities like Mike CONvic , well Mike CONvic isn't the first one to get involved in dog fighting & he won't be the last !

Do you see anyone else bringing up this story ? HUGS & KISSES to Dirty Disher ( muwah ) I wouldn't have even known about it ?!

Sadly kitties are the biggest victims of Animal Cruelty & it's got to stop -

Anonymous said...

I agree! Anyone who can hurt an animal is really really sick.


Anonymous said...

At first I was speechless..and that doesn't happen to me often. I ADORE Animals and I'm with everyone here. One thing I do not tolerate is abuse to kids and animals. I'm with Miss Tia in that we should have them drawn, quartered and burned. I have no pity or compassion for them. I'd do it to them myself. No problem.

They are just cowards.


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:25

I think dogs and cats are equally abused in this country, people are sickos, just watch Animal Precinct, it makes me ill.

Anonymous said...

I really hope somebody rats that son of a fucker out! Yes I agree, animal abusers all have special places in hell waiting for them! The laws to punish animal cruelty is not severe enough- no matter what animals are always innocent! they would never hurt another out of spite..