Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Donald pisses off some more people

Donald Trump:(talking to Larry King) "One of the perceptions I had of George Clooney was he was this big, strong guy. And he was very little when I met him."

He adds of Jolie, "Angelina Jolie is sort of amazing because everyone thinks she's like this great beauty. And I'm not saying she's an unattractive woman, but she's no beauty, by any stretch of the imagination.

"I really understand beauty. And I will tell you, she's not - I do own Miss Universe. I do own Miss USA. I mean I own a lot of different things. I do understand beauty, and she's not."

The list of things he owns is extensive, but, they do not include good hair or tact.


Anonymous said...

Donald probably hit on Angelina and was turned down, righty so.
I see Anglina Jolie this close, she is a pretty girl.

Anonymous said...

EW. I absolutely agree with almost every conclusion Trump has about a celebrity. George to me looks like gay guy coming out of the closet. And Angelina scares the hell out of me. YIKES

Barb said...

If there is a God or Karma, What comes around goes around will happen. I'm just having a hard time waiting! And, Donald just keeps flapping his mouth making for more 'goes around" every day

Anonymous said...

OK, so I am no Brangeloonie but that is just a ridiculous comment. What so Donald 'owns' miss USA and therefor his opinion of beauty means more than the general opinion. It is completely subjective anyway. There is no right or wrong way to look at beauty. What an idiot.

Unknown said...

yeah for him beauty is fake plastic boobs, a fake plastic nose, a fake plastic ass, fake plastic lips, fake plastic weave, fake plastic eyes and a virgin again vagina.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget fake orange tan.

DD I LOVE that pic!

Anonymous said...

Fish Face Skankalina & the Donald are both FUGLY , Arrogant & Delusional , they would make a great pair ;)

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just see's them without being photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

I think he's a very successful, outspoken businessman & says what he thinks & to hell with anybody that disagrees with him. I happen to agree with him on this subject tho. My daughter saw Gwen Stefani in concert right next to the stage, close enough to almost touch her & yes, she's gorgeous but very, very petite & tiny. We didn't know that about her. I think in person celebs are much different than we see them in mags & on screen. It's all an illusion. Magicians tricks! He's telling it like it is & I am in agreement this time. He knows he has a bad comb over, he doesn't mention it because why mention the obvious? He's a jerk asshole, but he doesn't say those things to be mean either. I think it's merely an opinion, an honest observation.

Anonymous said...

Trump is 6' 2" Clooney is 5' 10" That is a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

It proves money can't buy you class.