Friday, October 12, 2007

Duh duh cable guys

Hey you takes 6 of you to run that little line under the grass? I could have done that with a gardening spade in half an hour..PLUS you fuckers crashed my computer. I hate you, I'm showing this pic to your boss and I'm telling your wives you took a two hour lunch with the local crank whore. That slag with the fat hanging out her tube top and black teeth. Get out of my yard!


Anonymous said...

Couldn't you get a nice close-up butt-shot or two?

Dirty Disher said...

It was crack'd have loved it.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. When I took up my carpet and installed hardwood floors in my living room, it took Time Warner Cable's "technician" FIVE FUCKING TRIPS to my condo to figure out how to re-direct the cable that previously ran under the carpet!

Anonymous said...

the guy who came out just ran the cable across the yard he did not even bury it. consider youself lucky

Unknown said...

Fucking Comcast wants us to give them 1500 bucks just to lay the cable from the corner where the box is to the house, whether or not we dig our own cable line. Have you seen their commercial? Yeah "SOMEDAY" we'll have their service. Fucking dial-up is free where I live so fuck you high speed internet providers.

Anonymous said...

where is that place... looks like the midwest.

Major Majormajor said...

Oh Jesus DD, you are going to have to start posting maps. What a drag. Anyways, when we moved into our house, the direct tv had to come into the house and he asked me for a date... In front of my daughter...I didn't have to say a daughter told him to eff off, in 6 year-old speak. He got the message...

Dirty Disher said...

It's Iowa..and gowd, I can't believe the crappy cable service stories. Why are these companies so poopy???? I'm going to subtract the nights I don't have a connection from the bill and see what they say.

crystal said...

that's city union workes for you.

Anonymous said...

o.k. dd, get your ass out here to southern california...WHERE YOU BELONG! the cable is great out here.
you're very funny! love you, don't ever change.

Dirty Disher said...

Why thanks! Actually, my son's living in Hollywood now, maybe I'll visit. I was born in LA, ya know.