Monday, October 22, 2007

Ellen needs a new plan

Ellen, who had a week long hissy over that adopted dog, has more problems. First off, from what I hear, Iggy, the dog, is gone and her and her hairdresser and crying kids are NOT getting the little fucker back. But, now it's come out that this isn't the first dog Ellens done this with.
*Los Angeles producer, Kerri Randles gave Ellen a dog two years ago only to find out that she had given it away to a staff member two months later.
"She may have had it for much less time than that. I only say two months because that's when I called to check on the dog and found out she no longer had it," Randles said. "I was totally shocked. I thought she was out of her mind."*
Howard Stern says Ellen's done this at least 9 times, but, I don't know how he knows so much since he admitted he's not smart enough to wipe his own butt. I didn't make that up. Stern said he almost needed surgery after he made his bottom hole into the grand canyon with faulty wiping. BUTT that's another post, anyway, I think Ellen needs a new plan. She needs to volunteer for a shelter and find homes for dogs, then she'd be a hero and not a nut job. Everyone wants a celebrity dog, think how many she could help! Instead she's coming off like she has some weird canine version of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. I like Ellen, I just want to help...K?


Anonymous said...

bitch is crazy

Anonymous said...

She needs a new medical plan. One that involves lots of prescriptions for sedatives.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie said..

lots of prescriptions for sedatives

or menopausal meds

this is why America won't elect a woman in a postion of high power.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie? u on ur period again??

Anonymous said...

Story about some dogs, some kids, a shelter , a friend & a weepy,menopausal celeb being turned into a story about Howard Sterns bung-hole? How hilarious is that? I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't quite get why she can't give the dog away. Wasn't she the owner and therefore, isn't it up to her to do with it what she wants?

Maybe it is different in the USA


Miss Tia said...

BARKhausen by proxy

Anonymous said...

Dont make fun of that disease, my neighbors sister in law has it and she had her kids taken away because she had them in the ER every few weeks, she would do stupid shit like make them play outside in 10 degree weather without a coat, hat, etc so they'd get puenomonia (SP?), bronchitis, etc and wouldnt give them the correct dosage when they were put on antibiotics, so they'd stay ill ... very sad, but thank goodness their away from her and living in a foster home.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Howard Stern mention. I used to wish I could listen to the show all day and now that he's on Sirius I do. Course, now I don't shower til 4pm and I'm running out of clean clothes but I'm well-entertained.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was strange that she said that she had adopted several dogs over the years and now she only has cats. Who gives a dog two weeks to get settled in ? Stoopid is stoopid does.

Anonymous said...

I used to like Ellen, but this dog thing is really creepy.