Thursday, October 18, 2007

The female condom..demonstration


Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying I'm so glad I'm passed all that...being old and married finally has an advantage!!!

I think it would be easier for a guy to wear a condom.

Anonymous said...

Woah. No way. Whoever I am doing it with is definately wearing the condom! No way am I sticking that thing in me! That is just a hospital visit, and an emabarrassing story waiting to happen. I would rather "do it" myself.

Anonymous said...

I've seen Sue Jahanson on Talk Sex show these but never demo'd before. It looks like it would start to slip out once things got going, I don't know how it withstands the 'action' w/o coming out & crinkling up on you? Looks like a mess to me. Just too baggy & loose looking. Guys condoms fit them, they stay on. Let the guy wear the raincoat!

Anonymous said...

A bunched up piece of Saran Wrap inside me? No thanks. Looks about as functional as the STD protectant 'dental dam' which I totally don't get.

Anonymous said...

That is just a hospital visit, and an emabarrassing story waiting to happen.-Fin

For real!!