Monday, October 22, 2007

French maids costume...

Featuring our own..Jebbica! That too hot, I love it! Here's the link if you want the costume. We have our own celebs cool is that??


Dirty Disher said...


with love said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
with love said...

YAY for Jessica!!!!

& late Happy Birthday to me too, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Libras!!!

Jess said...

Ooh, what did that deleted comment say? ;-) I can't believe you did that Missy! God, I'm blushing from head to toe right now.

Happy birthday With Love, too! Thanks for being my Chris Crocker today <3

Dirty Disher said...

Happy Birthday with love. Hope you both have the greatest day ever!

with love said...

SAVE JESSICA!!!!!!!!!! lol :D
Thanks ladies :)

Jess said...

What a neat day, lol. I feel I should give some info on the product, just because I'm honest. It'd probably make a cute Halloween costume if you like doing the whole sexy thing, which I really don't. I'm about a size 10-14...I have a skirt that's a size 8, but that's one of those freak occurrences. I'm mostly around a 12. I wore a large in the picture, which I think they're out of, it says on the site. The large for me seemed really wide and REEEEEAALLLLY short, so there was a lot of pulling it tight and making it look like I wasn't about to have a Britney moment (I wore lace bloomers, though). I guess that's the point of it, to be short and sexy, but I'd never worn anything like it before, so I felt a little outta place. Anyhoo, I hope that helps if you were interested in it....

Anonymous said...

That's really cute!

Major Majormajor said...

Jessica, you look gorgeous, darling! Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Yay for the birthay girls!!!

Jessica looks soooooooo hott!!!!

Anonymous said...

You would look better if you had a penis 8=D

Jess said...

Maybe I do....

But you'll never know!


Anonymous said...

LOL, I was just kiddin girl :-)

Jess said...

Noted! Nothing says niceties like conversation about genetalia.

Anonymous said...

Jessica, you look awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Jessica, you look terrific!! You go girl!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Size 12? You don't look it. Very pretty pic. You naughty French Maid, you! Wee-wee! you rocked it!!!!

Anonymous said...'re just jealous. Now be a good gay man...clean your house and accesorize.

Anonymous said...

You look great J! Happy Birthday!

And a size 12 aint big, its smaller then the average american woman whos a 14. You look fantastic!

Dirty Disher said...

I happen to know crabbie already has that outfit.

Anonymous said...

I wear a size 8 in jr jeans now! Quite an accomplishment for me! And I'm not a youngster anymore. I was nearly a size 12 until I got sick this year and lost 25 pounds. Jessica is tall looking, so she looks slim at a 12. I can't post a pic but I am just sayin'. I could wear this thing!!! But would NEVER! My grown kids would DIE!! And move to Siberia! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

12 isnt big you ignorant thing anon 10:04, Ihardly think Jess cares that your " in a jrs. size 8 "

Dirty Disher said...

Send a pic..I'll post it.

Jess said...

All RIGHT! Dissed by Crabbie! My day is officially made.

Anonymous said...

You dont look like a trannie on your blog, just on this particular photograph. It's ok though, I've been told I look like Liza Manelli on a good day.

Jess said...

Yes! Then my mission is complete. Cross that one off my life list: "Look like a drag queen"

I always did want to pull a Connie and Carla and have a drag show.

Anonymous said...

I think its a great picture, I love my women chubby and thick like this chic, more cushion for the pushin!

Jess said...

Chubby? ::Cries::

Brett, you're meaner than Crabbie.

with love said...

Oh please, dont even let that get to you...PATHETIC attempt to get under your skin. You look good :)

Anonymous said...

Aint nuthin wrong with being chubby you look good babe!

Jess said...

Mean! So, I've been called a soccer mom, a trannie, and chubby. I just can't win for losing, can I? X-)

Anonymous said...

I'm chunky too, who cares? You can have meat on your bones and still be sexy! Skinny is out!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think she looks like Anne Hathaway?
And that was a compliment, you look fabulous :)

Jess said...

Thanks for the Anne Hathaway compliment! People always come up to me and my sister and say, "has anyone ever told you you look like that chick from The Princess Diaries?" That's like the best compliment ever! I don't see it, but I love her! Though the last time someone said that, this guy in Fazoli's said that Anne Hathaway looked like ME, since I was obviously older. I said, "gee thanks asshole, but she's a year older than me." Okay, MAYbe I left off the "asshole" part.

Anonymous said...

You look like Boy George but fatter.

Jess said...

Well, Boy George was pretty, and seeing as he was on cocaine and heroin, and I'm not, I'm taking that as a compliment! :-D

Anonymous said...

You look like a street walker, how proud your parents must feel to have a prostitute for a daughter.

Jess said...

Aww, come on now! It was a costume modeled for a website. I've never worn anything like that before or since. As for moms, you really shouldn't speak of my mother since you don't know that story, and as for prostitute, seeing as I've been with 3 guys my whole life and haven't had sex at all in almost a year, I don't think so! X-)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Dirty Disher said...

That was NOT crabbie or Nadine..there's a troll on here. Don't talk to the idiot.

Anonymous said...

Whoever's using my name to insult Jebbica - piss off you phony! I don't spell tranny "trannie" and I also know how to spell "Liza Minnelli." If you're going to impersonate me, at least take a second to look up words you don't know, you foaming puddle of ick.

Anonymous said...

Hi again :)
I was 11:44 who said you looked like Anne Hathaway! Ignore those trolls, you looked great.