Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gwyneth Paltrow..London fashion rocks

Gweneff is a fashion guys just don't understand her because she's from England.


Major Majormajor said...

Just like Madge...I don't get her either. I can't relate to British culture at all. ;)

Anonymous said...

They would love that you guys are calling them British! They sooo aren't (I know you guys know that) & I hate that they think & pretend to be. Esp Madonna, pulleeezz....high school drop out from Michigan! Ok, she's done well for herself, but she ain't from England!!! & Gwyneth's hubby looks awful these days. Any new word about their breaking up?

Anonymous said...

Avril, that you????

Major Majormajor said...

I'm being sarcastic. I am English.