Friday, October 19, 2007

How can I go a day without a Poontang post?

Britney claims she had her visitation pulled because her phone gets bad reception. She just didn't get the calls from the judge or the drug testy peoples. Between the faulty gate buzzer and the bad evil cell phone, she may never see those kids again. It aint her fault, y'all, she just has bad 'lectronics! She got her some new poofy lips and ran over a TMZ paps foot too. Ehh, how many TMZ cameras do we need, really? The next hearing is Oct. 26th where the "old fart" might let her look in Kevins front window and wave at the boys.
Note..from Kevins lawyer..“She has complied with the part of the order [causing the suspension],” Kaplan says. “I expect that visitation will be reinstated.”
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There's her new lip..I guess she couldn't spring for the top one. That's chocolate, not a least I think it's chocolate, whith her you never know.


Anonymous said...

I guess that's why when the drug people called they were told that she was sleeping twice and once that she was unavailable for testing. You don't fuck with the people that can take your kids!!

Anonymous said...

She just plain & simple doesn't actually care

Anonymous said...

Is she supposed to be cute biting her nails like she's all nervous and shy ? ? ?. Please. The world has seen her vagina, no need to act shy now.