Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hunny in her coat

Reader Christina sent in these sweet pics of her baby, Hunny. Awwwww, she's adorable. Wooky da winky face! (I talk stupid when I'm around pups or babies.) I'm a bit jealous..she dresses better than me.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting them DD! I do love my baby!

Anonymous said...

How cute!! Is she on the dashboard too?

Anonymous said...

Yeah she is... I don't know why but she loves it up there! Pretty soon she is going to be too big to get up there anymore!

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

It's warm on the dashboard. Cute pup!

Anonymous said...

What a FACE! I'm a sucker for a dog's face too. Doesn't matter what the breed, age, or disposition. I love 'em all.

And that COAT! Aghhh! A hoody with fur trim! I can't take it!!

(sigh...) I need to get out more, I guess.

Thanks, DD for posting these, and "Fin" for sharing them with the lot of us.

with love said...

LOL she is TOO CUTE! How did I miss this post earlier? Weird, anywhoo thanks for sharing :D

Unknown said...

Awww HUNNY! You are a popular little internet whore. I love you do. You are VEWRY VEWRY INNOSHENT!

Anonymous said...

Shes got georgous coloring i just want to smooch that face! lol