Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jennifer Aniston has waxing issues

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"She's neurotic about bikini waxes," reveals Dawn Daluise of Dawn DaLuise Skin Refinery in LA, who used to visit the "Friends" set every other week to work on the actress. "She'd even call when there was no hair to wax, and she'd insist on having it done - literally making me wax off peach fuzz. She's phobic about extraneous, stray hairs - especially around her bikini line. She'll even tweeze them."

Well, that's her business, but, I find it odd that someone would be so obsessed with their cootchie when there's never anyone around to see it.


Anonymous said...

she has to see it & maybe she hates pubes? Can't say I blame her, same here. Having a fur bikini is sooo old school. Guys like the skin girls!!! Thats why she wants the no hair at all look. Besides, maybe Vince will pop by tonight for a quicky, it could happen!

Anonymous said...

This seems to have been several years ago when Friends was still on the air. She's probably still keeping it waxed but that was all about Brad, believe me. He must like it bald! Which means. is Angie bald down there too? I'm betting she is. They all are anyways. Who isn't?

Dirty Disher said...

Seen Gia?

Anonymous said...

Why would someone talk about that? Duhhh for publicity!

Most people would sell their own grandmas for a few minutes of attention - what a stupid bitch that waxer is!

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like she has posture issues too.

Anonymous said...

She's very limber & has to practice her thrusting moves!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't she have enough money to just laser all her excess hair off?

Unknown said...

OMG she can do backbends!!!!! Looks like she's gonna do a turkish drop!!!!! Gosh I wish I could be that flexible....like this:


the first dancer(mardi love) does this awesome undulations to a saw/theramin!!

check out the girl in the black and blue skirt(rachel brice), she puts a cup on her forehead when she's doing the back bend....and then she drops!!!!!! Not sure where on the video, have to wait for it to load forever, I'm on dial up.

Anonymous said...

Not all guys like it hairless, usually just the pedophiles that want that "little girl" look.

Anonymous said...

My coochie pie is hairy and thats how my man likes it, he dives right in there every night!

Anonymous said...

Its so itchy when it grows back in, I hate that LOL

Anonymous said...

Jeez, "Dawn". Way to go.

I'm sure every woman in Hollywood will be beating a path to your waxing salon...


Anonymous said...

Well, i personally prefer mine shaved, because both me n my boyfriend dont like hairy coochie~ ewww. Hairy coochie looks smelly. ew