Saturday, October 13, 2007

Jolie and Clooney need to duke it out

Angelina Jolie hates George Clooney. She thinks the confirmed bachelor is a bad influence on Brad and refuses to have anything to do with him, even refusing to go to his movie premieres with Brad.
As for George, he's even less subtle in his dislike of Jolie. George, 46, said: "There is nothing more cruel than Hollywood. In a period of years, a woman's career is over. After they have been beating down your door with work, they toss you out from one day to the next. The first thing a lot of women do to fill the gap is adopt kids. That's a bit weird isn't it?"
In other news, that's the last photo we have to see of Mad leaving his fancy pants school with the French name. Dad has finished his work there and the clan is leaving NYC. I wonder where they'll turn up next?


Anonymous said...

You could'nt be more wrong AJ and George are having hot sex right this minute

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO..You're probably right.

Anonymous said...

His humor is so bent. I always thot his remarks about her were just sarcasm, him being his usual smartass. He's called her ugly before too. I don't think he is serious, he's just pissed that Brad is off the market & not out snakin' for chick's with him anymore!

Anonymous said...

George Clooney is SOOOO right & Soooo Hot !

Expose that skanky Lying , Hypocritical , Washed Up , Whore LOL !