Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Miss Tia's cute dog

Reader Miss Tia sent this cute picture of her dog, Molly. Molly is waiting at the drive thru for her Wendys jr. bacon cheeseburger. LMAO! That's too funny. Beats seeing Britney Spears at the drive thru anyday.


Anonymous said...

Such a beauty! Gorgeous eyes and perky ears!


Miss Tia said...

Thanks!!! that pix is after she played at the dog park for a few hours...she LOVES going through drive thrus cuz she knows they equal jr. bacon cheeseburgers!!!


Anonymous said...

If we pull up to a window anywhere, my dog is right in my lap with her head stuck out waiting for something! They learn quick!! LOL

Unknown said...

AWWWWW Dawggy!!!

i miss my zelda....

Anonymous said...

haha omg how cute! we have a border collie/malamute cross..and a fat lazy cat..both rescue animals..amazing how they become part of the family and how you treat em as if they were just another one of ur kids


Anonymous said...

Miss Tia! Now I'm hawngray!!

Anonymous said...

LOL I love the look on her face! My dog was the same way @ mcDonalds drive thru = burgers. But omg how nuts are we to be doing it lol. I love her eyes too, one blue one brown too sweet.

Anonymous said...

So Cute! I love the eye color difference!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I love it!


Anonymous said...

So cute, she has Marilyn Manson eyes, lol, NOT that she looks like him or anything, she's a pretty girl, my friends dog has eyes just like her and I call her Marilyn LOL

Jess said...

Aww, she's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Molly can has cheezburger?

Anonymous said...

what kind of dog is that? its very pretty

Miss Tia said...

her mom is a husky and her dad a boxer...