Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Angelina and Brad bullshit

Jolie and Pitt are going to start an HBO reality series that follows international aid workers who put their lives in danger to help others. Bla, bla. If they aren't in it, who's going to watch that crap? Brad says the family is moving out of this country, maybe to Europe which he explains (to us morons) is closer to Africa. Why don't they just move to Africa then? Franky, I don't give a fat rats flamming asshole if they move to Mars. I think they're ready for kid number 5..I don't know why, but, I think that's going to happen pretty soon. It's always a little exciting when they get a new kid. Other than that, I just think he's a morphing pussy and she's a ball busting psycho. If the Brangeloonies can't handle that, they need to go suck up at some other gossip hole.


Anonymous said...

I can handle it...I still like 'em though! LOL

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. They should move to Africa, they seem to prefer it. So, go already. Why don't they do the Jolson thing & go black-faced as well!! Think they go by dug out canoe? yeah right! They will fly 1st class private jet all the way babee! And believe me they will be staying at the swankiest resort again & probably rent the entire complex for enternity,again!! Thats fine if they feel that pays homage to the poor starving, disease ridden Africans. Looking out at those poor Africans from the hilltops luxe pad they will live in will be tuff but somebody's gotta do it!

Anonymous said...

these 2 need to die already! They think they are god tho, so they can't die! I forgot.

Anonymous said...

Good Gawd!!!! DD puleeeze don't post anymore pics of these 2 whores. I'm gonna pull out all my hair if I have to see them all squinty in that "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" pose, in 1 more pic!!!

Anonymous said...

"I'm gonna pull out all my hair if I have to see them all squinty in that "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" pose, in 1 more pic!!!"

LMAO!! HAha I agree!!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand either one of them, they need to take thier kids and go live in one of those countries and see how damn quick they come back here because they wont be able to handle it.

Anonymous said...

Dirty Disher YOU RULE !!!!! Tell it like it is !! I'm so sick of these blogs like Just Jared & Perez kissing celebrities like brAngelina's ASS !

I can not stand Adoptalina & I hope she especially leaves America & never comes back !

The only one I feel terrible for is Shiloh :( that child will need years of therapy ! hopefully we will ALL be around to read the book .

Anonymous said...

An open letter to Skankalina & her bitch Brad SHIT !

I used to be a fan until you both started bitching about how disgusting , greedy , wasteful & selfish Americans are . Angelina ! you told Diane Sawyer that us disgusting Americans need to do more to help third world countries & Africa , Well let me tell you the truth about most Americans ( delusional cunt ! ) most of us are working two jobs just to make ends meet and take care of our OWN KIDS ! And most Americans do not fly around in private jets or live in mansions ! or have big SUVs waiting for us & our kids while the paps. take pictures ! and most of us Americans do not have FUCKING NANNIES !!

Angelina , get the fuck out of my country & please do not come back ! your father is right ! you are in need of help for your mental issues , hording orphans is as bad if not worse than hording dogs & cats .

Brad & you deserve each other -

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything written here except that I do not admire or like them, no matter how many penniless orphans they adopt to appease their guilty, excessively rich asses.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Shiloh too, the poor kid gets the shaft because she isnt part of her rainbow orphan collection. It's an effin shame when a mother loves her adopted children more than her bio-kid, I don't understand the method to her madness.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL @ Adoptalina. I*'m so stealing that!

Anonymous said...

Now ... Can I help mommie Thinnest move :)

Don't let the door hit ya in the bony ASS ... BITCH !

And take your pretty boy with ya ;o

Jess said...

Angie will probably meet some hot African guy there and steal him away from his wife. I'm surprised she hasn't tried to steal Ben Harper from Laura Dern so she can screw her over again. I'd hope Ben was too smart for that shit, though! God, I hate Angelina. She hasn't stolen my bf or husband, but Nathan and I'd planned on naming our daughter Dagny Taggart Martin, and I'll be damned if she isn't playing Dagny Taggart in the Atlas Shrugged movie! Evil, evil, evil.

Anonymous said...

ang always thought she was so hard core yet shes shackin up with a pussyboy who probably has a vagina

Anonymous said...

As a U.N embassador she has to adopt the kids that the UN peacekeepers fathered with the 14 and 15 year old girls in Africa. Koffi Annan has a safe place in hell for turning his back on his own continent while he was in charge. There was no money in it for him. It's akin to Yasser Araffat's wife demanding US$40million a year before turning over the Billion dollar fortune they stole from the Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

I soooo love & agree with absolutely everything spoken on here today. & yeah, 'Adoptalina' is the most clever thing to come outta this mess in a long time! So steal it DD, nobody cares! Now Perez will be pissed, but he worships her bony ass, as if she'd even give him a f'g glance if they were in the same stratosphere! Brad is a big puss & I didn't realize it until recently & esp when we saw him posed like Annette on that surboard. Anyway, we all agree that they need to take their complaining asses & leave & I doubt Shiloh will ever know the dif, don't worry about her, in fact she seems kinda slow & due to AJ's drug use may be slow & thats why they hide her away? ya' think? I esp agree with the open letter to them. Thats the GD truth! Eff them & their whole rainbow brigade-GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!!

Anonymous said...

People are people wherever you go. Africans are no different than Americans, they may just have less opportunities, but given that, they'd be no different & aren't. Why do they think Africans are different? They are worshipped over there is why they think that. Those people are not different, in fact I hear terrible reports about how they butcher each other over race & religion over there, not to mention the diamond mines! She needs to live in 'the now' & get a grip. Somebody's liable to murder them over there when they are betrayed by their trusted guards because they 'covet' AJ & Brads wealth! It's no different there, just less protection for them while they live there, so they are more vulnerable. They might feel safe, but they really won't be. w/e...don't give a flying "F".

Anonymous said...

IF they don't actually move TO Africa & choose Europe instead, then they are hypocrites & 'fraidy cats! As long as they don't live here anymore it's all good. But won't they miss all the publicity? I hate their guts. -Blech-

Anonymous said...

That is an excellent point about Real Africans , I recently met an African girl & her brother at Walmart ( No Lie ) they both work there & LOVE THEIR JOBS , GAWD Bless Them ! ) honestly , I have never met such hard working , respectful teenagers and they were dressed so crisp & clean . I agree that the Africans will see right through Skankalina ! so get ready Americans & Europeans because sadly :( I'm sure we'll be stuck with the media whores > brAngelina < all over again .