Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Okay, liked her for a minute today...

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now over it.


Unknown said...

that's hilarious!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who says you can't see into the future...

Now we know what she'll look like when her looks have faded.

Anonymous said...

Her looks have faded , she actually looks better here in the wig and covered up .

with love said...

Her hands belong to the grim reaper :o

Anonymous said...

LMAO...Hey speaking of hands, if you have a look on perez at the other photo of her at the same time, she seems to have unusually long arms...or maybe its just me...ET phone home!!

Anonymous said...

Her weight or lack of, has really aged her.

Anonymous said...

freakish hands

Anonymous said...

She is in costume and makeup...that has aged her. Crying out fuckin loud.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who says you can't see into the future...

Now we know what she'll look like when her looks have faded.

October 16, 2007 7:49:00 PM PDT

Good one! Hello Brad! When AJ is ur age this is what she will look like. But you will be dead by then so you won't care!

Anonymous said...

7:56 am whined: "She is in costume and makeup...that has aged her. Crying out fuckin loud."

Well, for crying out fuckin loud-- WE KNOW, dickwad.
It's called S-A-R-C-A-S-M.