Thursday, October 18, 2007

Owen feeling magical means?

His friends say Owen Wilson is on the mend, he's moved to a new house in Malibu, he's walking his dogs, riding his moped and friendly with his neighbors. He's trying to change his life and attitudes. One thing Owen's embraced is a native American ritual of purification. He had a medicine man from the Hualapai tribe go with him and some friend to the Grand Canyon and do a cleansing ritual with feathers, smoke and dancing. He's getting a lot of flack for it in the news.

Why should anyone give this guy grief for turning to alternative help? As someone who regulary sages her house, is now on Colloidal Silver for infection (yes, it seems to work) and who keeps in close contact with her reiki healer, I can relate. And how dare anyone call Owen nuts for trying something different. There's more to life than what meets the eye. A lot more.


Anonymous said...

If you're so "infected" why don't you go to the doctor, you stupid bitch?

Unknown said...

Wow- DD that person is anonymous for a reason, they don't have the balls to show who they are.
Anyways- I love what you have said. Spiritual cleansing comes in all forms. For me it normally comes in a bong.

Anonymous said...

Whatever works - it's gotta be better than heroin. Watch the colloidal silver: It can turn you blue!

Anonymous said...

People are very funny about alternative or natural healing agents.

It's taken me 9 years to convince my husband that the full and new moon cycles affects his moods. He actually notices it now and makes adjustments accordingly.

And 9:15:00 - Fuck you. It's people like you that make me want to get a blogger account so nobody will ever confuse me with an arrogant, ignorant asshole such as yourself.

Dirty Disher said...

anon1..I HAVE been to the doctor, twice. The dental surgery got infected and I haven't wanted to whine on here about it, but, the infection spread to every organ in my body. It's been rough. I believe in medicine and doctors, but, after two rounds of heavy duty antibiotics and no change, it was time to try something else. Sometimes you just have to go another way. Your closed mind makes YOU the stupid bitch.

Dirty Disher said...

ps...I don't mind being blue as long as my face stops feeling broken and I can pee.

Anonymous said...

If you were blue, you could be the Smurfy Disher!! made me chuckle.

I hope you feel better DD!! And anon 1, feel free to fuck yourself, moron.

Dirty Disher said...

But guess what? I've lost 11 pounds in the last two weeks.

Anonymous said...

Auww u poor baby DD! i hope you feel better! =)


Anonymous said...

11 pounds! You go girl! Being sick can have it's advantages! I've lost 25 pounds this year being sick. At least u know that u will get better. I hope Owen finds his own way to heal, if thats what works for him. The mind can heal the body in many cases if u let it. Best Wishes to Owen. At least he didn't invite the paps!

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit Sabrina! LMAO!!! Anon 9:15 is a fucking idiot. But, I have to be glad for people like them. Because if it werent for them, I wouldnt appreciate the morals my parents taught me. I feel sorry for you Anon 9:15.

Anonymous said...

Wow 9:15 how dare you say something negative about DD. Sabrina your profile was unavailable. That makes you a hypocryte. So you can play with your balls. I am sure between you and DD there are 4 of them. Yes I will anonymous because I dont feel so self important to have a blog. LOL Grow up

Anonymous said...

Hey DD, I'm sorry that your surgery got infected. There is nothing worse then mouth pain or an ear ache.

Losing that 11 pounds is good - if I lost 11 pounds I'd be able to fit into all my clothes in my closet again that I refuse to throw away...LOL

Anonymous said...

Can't someone remove the stupid blathering in this "comment" section? Anywho... about the ARTICLE:
I laugh whenever famous people do alternative healing and change religions and befriend the dalai lama etc. Then they talk about it like they founded it. It's like grasping at straws for a change. Meanwhile, there are people who LIVE that life everyday, it's not a FAD to them. Hollywood "stars" are so annoying.