Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pam says she's not pregnant

And Pam Anderson is not only not preg, but, people like me can mind their own business. Okie dokie. Good, now I can finally sleep at night once more. She can be pregnant next week.


Major Majormajor said...

Pammy seems to be having a mid-life crisis..but it seems to have been going on for about 15 years?!

Dirty Disher said...

Her weakness is ignorant men. Other than that, she seems to have a good head on her.

Anonymous said...

You say she gives good head? I believe that! Girls a HO-Bag!

Unknown said...

Some women just don't accept it and move on. Ever heard of aging gracefully? no matter how fab you look, or how many sugeries you've had to hide it, age is always gonna give you away. After 40, years fly. Sport it proudly. Gives you character.

Anonymous said...

She doesnt appear to be with child - yet but she is a little on the old side to be going through another pregnancy isnt she? Just my opinion though, not meant to offend anybody.