Monday, October 15, 2007

Paris Hilton talking out her 14 karat butt AGAIN

ParAss on her upcoming trip to Africa for charity...She said, "I'm scared, yeah. I've heard it's really dangerous. I've never been on a trip like this before. I love having everything documented. It shows people what everyday life is like for me, how hard I work. There are a lot of misconceptions about me."

Uhh, if this trip is for charity why us she throwing all the me's and I's around? Real charity is not some op to show us how hard you work. This bitch doesn't have a humble bone in her lanky body and I doubt she even knows where the frick she's going. It would never occur to her to look the place up, find out what kind of problems are there and what she can do. The only research she's done is to find out how cute animal prints look on her, 'cause you know, that's like Africa. Doh. The film crew could dump her dumb ass in Detroit or Guam and she'd never know the difference.


Unknown said...

wow her hair never looked so fake!

Anonymous said...

"I love having everything documented. It shows people what everyday life is like for me, how hard I work."

Yeah, that's just what the Medecins Sans Frontieres doctors say, isn't it? What a tit.


Anonymous said...

Ha, dd you're so right....she wouldn't have a clue!
Hard to believe she's got much synaptic action at the best of times.

Jess said...

This is kinda a good picture of her...she looks semi-classy. Too bad she also looks 40.

Anonymous said...

She looks a little Stepford-ish on here doesnt she? :-)

Anonymous said...

Her lame a** eyes tell the story. Just look at 'em. It's all there, privilege, money, fame & partying. She wouldn't know real work if it came up & kicked her in the face. She will get lost In Africa & Angie will have to come & rescue her & adopt her so she can go home. Those 2 deserve each other 2 total fake bitches. 1 is just a much better actor about it.

Anonymous said...

What a dumb looking, cheap wig & her nose needs fixed. It's got a big hook on the end. She's got the cash, why hasn't she ever fixed that? She just looks sooo stupid and vapid. She doesn't have a damn clue about the world.