Monday, October 22, 2007

Phone sex with Chrissy

LMFAOOOOOO! Oh, screw the haters, he cracks me up. How lame is phone sex?


Anonymous said...

Holy Shit he's crazy! But I love it! When he is first talking about the voice of an angel, you can actually see him twitch for a second... Haha! Thanks DD, that just made my morning!

Anonymous said...

Looks like "with love"

Anonymous said...

Here we go nice! or go away!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone on here is obsessed with With Love, I think you've got a mysterious stalker! Your love for With Love is coming thru loud & clear. Gawd you are so obvious. Go jerk urself! Loser.

Anonymous said...

Your love for With Love is coming thru loud & clear. Gawd you are so obvious. Go jerk urself! Loser.

October 23, 2007 8:11:00 AM PDT


Anonymous said...

Your obsession with this pinhead is truly disturbing Dishy. It's even worse than your obsession with the Pant.

Anonymous said...

Lick my nutsac anon 7:52 !!!

Dirty Disher said...

I don't love the pant..YOU do.

Dirty Disher said...

PS..was that you he was on the phone with crab???

with love said...

Its really silly isnt it??!!!

Yeah it is fairly disturbing that SOMEONE keeps messing with me, but thanks for standing up for me :)

I agree with dd, Chris Crocker is entertaining in the strangest of ways but he gets me laughing lol!!!