Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pumpkin escape!

I love that photo. I love Halloween time and pumpkins. Crabbie went and found me some really cool ones because I was crying about how I lost my fav Halloween wallpaper. BUT, since he also ragged me on here about my "obsession" with Chris Crocker, I have to tell you something he'd never want you to know. He's not mean. He's sweet, like a big pink teddy bear. Live with that, crabster.
I'm off now to that place where I sit on my ass and pretend to be working, but, I will be back. Soon! There are celebs to fry, somewhere..I just know it. Keep sending your brag pics, it makes my day!


Anonymous said...

Pumpkins & gourds are so cool. They will grow into any shape you start them in. Like a rectangular milk carton, it will be shaped like that when it grows! Anything you put it in, they just conform. I love this pic too & how weird is it that I don't have my pumpkin wallpaper anymore either & the site that I got it from before has a McAfee Warning so I am afraid to download it again. Oh well...I found an autumn leaves scene that I love. Thanks for sharing the cool pumpkin.

Anonymous said...

Aha!!! The gig is up, Crabbie. (But I figured as much...)