Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A real Bloom-Hole

Orlando Bloom is being investigated by the LAPD for a possible hit and run after the accident where he left his female passengers bleeding in the street. He should be arrested for wearing that shirt, it looks like it should come with a pleat skirt romper. Serioulsy, don't you hate it when movie heroes turn out to be chicken dicks?


with love said...

Yeah actually, that sucks!

Anonymous said...

Yep, it still pisses me off that he tried to walk away from that accident. What a dickless wonder.


Anonymous said...

OK...think about him in Troy as Paris the sissy-wuss brother of the best guy in the movie Hector! I hated his character in that movie! What a pussy, trouble maker!! Maybe that wasn't acting?

Anonymous said...

I've always liked Orlando Bloom. But seeing him in that video casually walking away from the scene of an accident where two of his friends were injured-- one *bleeding profusely* (and later determined to have a broken NECK!)--- changed my opinion of him forever. He sucks ass.

By the way, I hear the lawsuits are already flying in this case. First up, Orlando's brain is suing him for non-support.