Saturday, October 20, 2007


Just because it's such a pretty picture.


Barb said...

Although I have NO love for her Dad, This is truly a beautiful child. And, I love the clothes Kate dresses her in. She always seems so happy.

And, this picture is one of the best I have seen. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sweet picture.
Like him or not she looks like her father.

Anonymous said...

she does get cutier every day.


Anonymous said...

She's adorable, she's a miniature Katie :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She's a doll, but her name is horrible, sounds like something on the menu in Japanese resturaunt ... I'll have the spicy chicken suri with white rice please.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this baby. Katie Jr. but with Toms eyes. The most beautiful celeb baby & we all know it. Tom sucks but his baby is the bestest! Katie is a non-issue with me. Having a baby with your wife does not prove you are not gay, however.