Saturday, October 20, 2007

THAT'S what Henry looks like without his shirt???

Ugly Betty's sometimes, almost, kinna sorta boy friend Henry Grubstick (Christopher Gorham) is looking like this on next weeks episode. Oh geez...who knew???


Anonymous said...


with love said...


Jess said...

Me! Because I'm a huge geek, and I'm a big Jake 2.0 fan, in which he was the star and was such a cutie pie! And last night, I watched him on Odyssey 5. Yeah I said it.

Anonymous said...

Never judge a book by its cover comes to mind lol.

Anonymous said...

looks like a different persons head stuck on the wrong body. Does Betty know he looks like this under his shirt? I mean, she needs to know this. I don't watch often enough to keep up. Girl needs to know!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this pic shopped? Looks like it is

with love said...
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