Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This is what living with Heather Mills will do to a guy

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Before Heather...

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After Heather.

Heather turned down Sir Pauls offer of 100 million because it came with a gag order. Man! She's such a slag!


Anonymous said...

100 mil & she said NO? OMG! Plus she has slept with a Beatle! John is my 1st choice but none of us can ever say that! Her & her wooden leg kinda crack me up actually. Linda was his 1 true love & he admits it. He will never be over her.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yeah, that pic was probably taken before Heather was even born DD! Waaay before! Good one!

Dirty Disher said...

I always thought George was the hot one until he started that hari krishna shit.

Anonymous said...

Paul looks like he was run'ed over... by a one legged woman .

Unknown said...

LOL @ 2:14!!! Good calling!

Anonymous said...

LMAO DD.. that is the pic from the White Album.. what was that, 1967?

Anonymous said...

"I always thought George was the hot one until he started that hari krishna shit.."

Well, whaddya know, Dish. Finally something you and I agree on.

Anonymous said...

John & George were the cool ones. John was the obvious leader & the best singer. He was the coolest. Paul was the cute one that all the chicks loved. I was never into him. I love him singing "Let it Be" but Johns voice to this day makes me all fainty & melts me. But Paul is still alive, you gotta give him that & Ringo, he's just cute little Ringo. Gotta love him! Thanks for the memories DD. Love the pics. Post some John pics! Fair is fair!

Anonymous said...

He's still hot.