Friday, October 19, 2007

Tom and Katie..Suri runs the show

Oh, sigh, geez. The media is going crazy with the way Tom and Katie raise Suri. Suri is not disciplined, instead she is reasoned with. Suri wants to stay up, she gets to stay up. Suri wants to go swimming, she goes swimming. And Suri was raised on a formula of barley, milk and corn syrup. That gem is credited to L. Ron, but, it's an old home remedy. Corn syrup is a gentle natural laxative, in case you didn't know and it's good for baby mammals of any sort. Instead of making the Cruise's look insane, they're making them seem normal to me. Babys rule everyone. There's nothing you can do with a baby but give it eveything it wants, within reason, and follow it around preventing it from self combusting. WTF else are you supposed to do? Suri is only 18 months old. Bow down to her's just the way it is. I can't believe I have nothing bad to say about Tom. Maybe tomarrow.


Anonymous said...

Scientologists believer kids are adults in new bodies, or something like that, so they treat them that way.

All Tom is doing is creating new Scientology members with Katie's body.

Wonder what happened to his adopted kids with Nicole? He probably dumped her cuz she wasn't able to produce new members for his cult.

Anonymous said...

Suri is precious & no doubt very spoiled as she would be in my house as well. Can't help it, thats just the mommy in me. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody & they get sufficient sleep & nutrition & are clean, I don't have a problem with what a baby does. My kids never slept all night till they were 2 1/2 anyways, so who's the boss? You tell me!! They are fine adults now thank you! No probs! She's a baby doll & it's nobody's f'g biznaz if she stays up late for crissakes!

Anonymous said...

That child could save Tom's career ya' know! Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

That little girl is gorgeous !

Barb said...

I just read that Scientologists raise their children using reason, not punishment. They reason and discuss, then do as the child wishes! So I agree with Anon 11:34.

I also read that Isabelle and Colin are at home in LA with Tom's Mom and Sister, doing their home schooling, and their normal lives while Tom, Katie and Suri are in Berlin. I am sure that was the kids choice, after being reasoned with!! Ha, ha!

Suri is the best PR and ambassador that Tom ever has had or will have!! I still cnnot stand him, but she makes me feel less hateful when I see pictures of her with him, and being so happy with him.