Friday, October 19, 2007

Why the frick is Hilary Duff at the Latin Music Awards???

Hilary did a medley of her hits. Oh, that should take all of 30 seconds. What hits?? This crap makes my head ache.


Anonymous said...

She looks good here. DD, why u hatin' on Hil all the time? She's a pretty good kid. I bought her last CD for a friends little girls b'day present & she loved it. Thats her following.

Dirty Disher said...

I hate her pretending she's some rock star when she sells to 7 year old girls who wear sparkle scrunchies and have Fisher Price karaoke machines. I guess a girl has to make a living, but, stop pretending you're Janis Joplin when you're really Barney in a mini skirt.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the whole Hannah Montana thing.She's not anything special, but I'm not a 9 year old girl either. Hilary Duff sells to pretty much the same crowd, so I get what you are saying. But they are the product of television and marketers. Hil's "Stuff" at Target is really cute for girls, she will be a wealthy girl for life if she stashes her cash now! Her name is all over the place, like Jessica Simpsons! Smart managers/agents!!

Anonymous said...

Who thinks Hilary's still a virgin? I certainly do not. She's vague about it. I know it's No ones f'g business. Just taking a poll here!! LOL!

Jess said...

I'm white, but I'm personally offended by this picture. Did her stylist read every book on Latin stereotypes and put her in this getup? She looks like J-Lo--circa Flygirls--farted on her. She even has her butt stuck out! Someone did call me a Beaner once, so I can say what I want. :-)

Dirty Disher said...

She needs giant hoop earrings to be Latin..everyone knows that. Geez.

Jess said...

And that one curl that's glued to the side of her face. Then she'd be legit.

Anonymous said...

check it out chickas...girl is wearing HUGE a** earrings & rockin' that latino style dress. Maybe the little latin girls like her too? Selena wanna-bes...all of 'em! Gotta love that! I love her look, she can pull it off, she's not 13 anymore ya' know!

Anonymous said...

Does that mean j-Lo or ethnic entertainers shouldn't appear at the American Music Awards Shows? Ppl of all races are loved by everyone, of all colors. I still don't get Black History Month. We could NOT ever take a month & call it White History Month. But thats a whole other argument. Ta-Ta gals.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the Black History month, why should african americans be celebrated? Are white people? Are Asian people? No. And I remember the United Negro College Fund commercials, gimme a fucking break, no other race gets on national tv asking for money to go to school, get a damn job and save up for it or apply for loans and scholarships. Ridiculous.