Friday, November 9, 2007

Angie and Brad want Neverland???

Oh, maaaaan, tell me this is just gossip. Michael Jackson has to sell Neverland and sources who claim to know say Brad and Angelina have looked at the property and really want it for their family. In fact, they say Brad is dead set on having the place. Neverland has been empty for a long time and the property doesn't look like this's neglected and spooky. The exotic animals are long gone and the carnival rides sit empty and rusting. Even the shrubs spelling out Neverland have given up and died. I was looking at photos of it the other day and thinking how I wouldn't live in that spook fest with all it's bad vibes for anything. It is a sad, sad, probably bad place for children to be. I hope this story isn't true, but, all the peple connected with it are so weird, there's a good chance it might be. I guess we only have to wait 90 days to find out..that's how long Freako has to come up with 23 million or lose it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

probably if it is true it is because Brad is wanting some stability for the kids. That is causing a huge uproar with him and Angelina as she wants to show them the world and none of the kids have any friends - especially Maddox and he should be settling down a bit more.

Crystal said...

omg they would need like 80 tons of sage sticks to cleanse that place out

Anonymous said...

Who cares where that family lives? I thot they were moving to f'g Africa? Damn, now they aren't? Is that what this means? They can take the next 1-way flight to the f'g moon as far as I'm concerned! All of 'em, including her faggot brother!

Anonymous said...

But ... But ... what about Africa or EU ?! Isn't there another planet that will take brAngelina LOL !

So ... is Adoptalina going to let M.J visit ? I'm sure he'd like to talk about old times at the ranch with the Asian boys LOL !

OMG ! You can't make this shit up ! is Oprah going to have one of her famous schools there too ! sheesh !!