Ashlee to paps outside an East Village pub..“I don’t want my fans knowing I smoke! It’s so bad, but I just crave nicotine sometimes.”
Yeah, I crave nicotine too, but, if I smoke enough will I also crave odd androgenous bass players with too much eye liner and chunky butts? Maybe that just the effects the un-filtered kind.
OMG! Like duh! She's got that LiLo scruffy voice. It's not a surprise. Britney Spears smokes because she likes the way it makes her voice sound. It's obvious to anyone when someone smokes. Especially a woman for some reason. You just hear it.
Pete is a troll or a dwarf I think. Dude is s-h-o-r-t!
Who'd want to take her pictures is what I wanna know?!?!?!?!?!
Pete is hotter than you. So STFU.
She seems like a snotty little shithead that thinks smoking makes her look "cool" and grown up, she secretly WANTS the world to know she smokes but pretends that she doesnt. What an asshole. Who the hell wants a picture of her plastic reconstructed face that still has the profile of a damn witch anyways ??
Pete looks like a chic
a chub faced ugly chick, that is a whore & wears way too much make-up,and sports an ugly hairstyle you mean. He is sorta bi anyways, no surprise, he wants all the gays to love him, 'cuz he LOVES them back. Thats OK, at least he isn't in denial. Go for it.
Fans? She has fans? Hmm...
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