Monday, November 12, 2007

Ben Affleck..a reality second caught in time

Did you ever look at someone and just know there's something fishy about them? I mean, sure, he's good looking, seemingly happily married to June Cleaver, err, I meant Jen Garner, but, every once in awhile.....the real Ben sneaks out. I'll bet he has skid marks, says "pull my finger" and watches a lot of girl on girl porn. Ben Affleck...NOT on my to do list.


Anonymous said...

You love him.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Agreed!!. I have always sensed a smug sense of entitlement from this guy. His Bennifer stage with the ass called J-lo was so arrogant, plastic, and fabricated that it made me dislaike them both even more. He came out to get-out-the vote for Dems and John Kerry; and did not vote himself. I think he is just a guy that got a lucky break when he met Matt Damon (a real actor), and his brother Casey.

Anonymous said...

I like him and think he's hot.


Anonymous said...

I am sure you are not on his list to do either. Yuck

Jan said...

He has dead eyes. If he hadn't gotten his break in show biz, he probably would have had a successful career as a serial something or other.

Anonymous said...

I totally get what you are saying DD. He does seem to be hiding something. & his wife seems normal & regular which only intensifies our suspisions, because WHY? would HE be with a normal,regular woman? Right? I agree Matt Damon is awesome & maybe Bens real calling is BEHIND the camera? "Gone Baby Gone" looks good & he directed that,didn't he? & starred his bro Casey in it. Maybe he will see his real talent & stay there? But yeah, when he & Jen divorce & they will at some point, all the sh** will hit the fan believe me, he likes to gamble too & thats a problem to most moms/women.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have some that with a nice chianti.....slurp, slurp, SLURP!!

Anonymous said...

QUESTION:::So where have Daphne & Eliza gone? Anybody know? Maybe they went "anon" on here. Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

"Snidely Whiplash" Nayah-ya-ya!!

Anonymous said...

He has the look & vibe of a diddler. THATS what you feel from him. He's a leech.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad you don't watch Family Guy cause there's this great bit where they reveal who "wrote" Good Will Hunting. According to their theory, Ben Affleck sat on the couch smoking pot and passing gas while Matt Damon wrote the whole thing. =)

Anonymous said...

Good one Amy-yeah! I totally believe that. He' sitting there saying "Sounds good to me.." I watch Family Guy. Ever seen the pukeing contest? It's High-larious!!! Go to myspacevideos & look for it. You will pee you will be laffing sooo hard! Hurry up 'cuz they get pulled for copyright reasons pretty quick.

Anonymous said...

Amy-I went & looked up the Family Guy Goodwill Hunting spot. It is funny! Probably sooo true too!