So the judge said she can't drive Tater and Small Fry anymore? Pfft, she just put them in this motorized toy truck and roared around her driveway with the both of them yesterday. I mean, that's all she knows about taking care of them, so it makes sense. In Poonland. She'll have to have a Starbucks built in her yard. As soon as she figures out the kids actually like this, she'll stop doing it.
Wow. That is the FIRST time I have ever seen her playing with them...
that kid on the little scooter is looking over at her thinking "my mom stole my car!"
those motorized cars/trucks don't hold that much weight....mama gonna bust it's axle!
auww tater and small fry! so cute...yeah dont think i've ever really seen her interacting with the kids before...
"Playing" with them?
Uhhh. yeah. If whizzing past them on a kid-sized ATV could be called "interacting with the kids"...
(IMO she was just running out for ciggys)
Expect K-dread to have this pic in court for child endangerment next week. She may run one of them younguns over!
I can't get those poor boys nasty dental issues out of my mind! Thats permanent, baby teeth beget adult teeth in the same manner. They will hate her for that someday. She will have to get them both caps when they start to date! What a shame. 'cuz they are sooo cute. & yeah, she's waaay yonder too fat to be on that toy truck. Big meanie!
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