Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Britney blows..and pees speeders

Poontangs friends (she has friends?) claimed the positive drug test outcome was from narcolepsy meds, then we found out that medication can't affect a pee test. So now her reps are spinning the "it's an Albuterol asthma inhaler." But, that's not an amphetamine, and that's what the pee test showed. An amphetamine. She's going to be back in court on Friday, maybe she'll get her lies straight by then. Or, maybe she'll go in there and flip out and beat the judge with an umbrella and pick fleas out of her wig and throw them at him. Maybe it will be like a scene from The Exorcist...picture it with me and laugh. She's so crazy now she'll probably try to shove the kids back in her vagina and Kevin Federline too.


Anonymous said...

She can't keep track of all the drugs she takes guys! How is she gonna keep track of her lies about said drugs? Her face tells a story tho & it's called a crack pipe, I don't care if it's not an amphetamine, she looks like a crack whore & she is very unkempt like one. She just looks like a typical crack head to me. Tho she does drive nicer cars to her dealers ghetto apt.

Unknown said...

"leave her aloooonahhh!" JK- she's a real lunatic now. Sucks for me who was an obssessed fan for years.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, amphetamine? well, she is from loseranna, and they have a huge meth problem.